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React async states

A multi-paradigm state management library for React

Easy to Use

react-async-states tries to facilitate subscriptions to states while supporting different polymorphic behaviors.


Focus on What Matters

Being able to summon a derived state anywhere in the application while having full control will help you reduce the time and overhead needed to manage state, and you will be able to focus on making the best of the user experience you can do.

Different forms of states producers

react-async-states allows you to produce state from different forms of functions: regular functions, async/await and promises. This allows to combine synchronous and asynchronous behavior.

Automatic cleanup

Automatically cancel asynchronous operations when the component unmounts or dependencies change, and prevent execution of old callbacks.

Cancellations friendly

Registering a cancellation callback is as easy as: props.onAbort(callback).

No dependencies and targets all react environments

react-async-states has no dependencies and should target all React environments.