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createSource is a function that creates shared states. It accepts three parameters:

keystringThe unique identifier of the state
producerProducer<T, A, E>Returns the state value of type T
configurationProducerConfig<T, A, E>The configuration of the state


createSource is defined and used as follows:

export function createSource<T, A extends unknown[] = [], E = Error>(
key: string,
producer?: Producer<T, A, E> | undefined | null,
config?: ProducerConfig<T, A, E>
): Source<T, A, E>;

let counter = createSource("counter", null, { initialValue: 0 });
let userDetails = createSource("user-details", fetchUserDetailsProducer, {
runEffect: "debounce",
runEffectDurationMs: 300,
skipPendingDelayMs: 200,
// ... other config we'll see in a few


The key is a plain string and unique identifier of the state.

Giving the same key to multiple times to createSource will return the same source object.


The producer was detailed in the previous section.


The whole configuration is optional.


// T = TData, A = TArgs, E = TError
type typeOfInitialValue = T | ((cache: Record<string, CachedState<T, A, E>> | null) => T)

The initial value held by the state when status is initial.

It can be also a function that allows you to initialize the state from the cache. More on cache later.


type RunEffect = "debounce" | "throttle";

The effect to apply when running the producer. It is either debounce or throttle.


The run effect isn't applied if runEffectDurationMs isn't given or is 0.


type runEffectDurationMs = number;

The runEffect duration in milliseconds.


type skipPendingDelayMs = number;

The delay in ms under which the transition to pending state is skipped. This comes in handy when you the request may be very fast and you don't want to show a pending indicator if so.


type skipPendingDelayMs = number;

This is the reserve of the previous property, if you enter the pending state, it prevents any further updates until this delay is passed, to avoid showing the pending indicator for few milliseconds for example.

It reads as: If you enter the pending state, stay in it at least for this value.


type skipPendingStatus = boolean;

This will prevent your state to have a pending state at all.


type CacheConfig<T, A extends unknown[], E> = {
enabled: boolean;
timeout?: ((currentState: State<T, A, E>) => number) | number;
args: A | undefined,
payload: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined
): string;
auto?: boolean;
persist?(cache: Record<string, CachedState<T, A, E>>): void;
| Record<string, CachedState<T, A, E>>
| Promise<Record<string, CachedState<T, A, E>>>;
onCacheLoad?({ cache, setState }: OnCacheLoadProps<T, A, E>): void;

The library supports caching state values, but it is opt-in and not enabled by default.


Will enable cache for this state.


The duration under which the cached state is considered still valid.

If this value is omitted, first, the library will check if you have a cache-control header with a max-age defined. If present it will be used. Or else, Infinity is used.


Indicates that we should automatically re-run the producer to get a new value after timeout is elapsed.

  • auto doesn't work with Initity.
  • auto will remove the cached state from cache.
  • auto will only run again if the removed cached state is the current state.


Each cached state is identified by a string hash that's computed by this function. If omitted, it is calculated automatically like this:

export function defaultHash<A extends unknown[]>(
args: A | undefined,
payload: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined
): string {
return JSON.stringify({ args, payload });


Called everytime a new cache entry is added or removed. Its purpose is to allow you to persist the cache then load it later. In local storage for example.


Loads the cache when the state is constructed


A callback fired when the cache is loaded.


When running the producer and it fails, you can retry it.

type RetryConfig<T, A extends unknown[], E> = {
enabled: boolean;
maxAttempts?: number;
backoff?: number | ((attemptIndex: number, error: E) => number);
retry?: boolean | ((attemptIndex: number, error: E) => boolean);


Opt into retry, this is not enabled by default.


Defines the max retries to perform per run.


The backoff between retries.


A boolean or a function that receives the current attempt count and the error and returns whether we should retry or not.


type resetStateOnDispose = boolean;

The dispose event is when all subscribers unsubscribe from a state.

If this property is true, the state will be altered to its initial value.


This is a plain object, it should be a valid WeakMap key.

To perform isolation and allowing to have multiple states with the same key, in the server for example, the context api comes in.

When provided, the state will be created and only visible to that context.


If this is provided and is false, the state instance won't be stored in its context.


Defines whether to show this state in the devtools or not.

The Source

The resulting object from createSource has the following shape:


The used key to create the state.


Each state has a unique id defining it. This is an auto incremented number.


returns the current state.


Will alter the state to the desired value with the given status. The updater can be either a value or a function that will receive the current state.

updater: StateFunctionUpdater<T, A, E> | T,
status?: Status,
callbacks?: ProducerCallbacks<T, A, E>
): void;

When you provide a function updater to setState, it is given the current state.


Although setState gives you the previous state object as a whole, it expects you to return only the value.

The second parameter allows you to pass the status if needed.

setState is used internally by the library and from the devtools to allow you to go to any desired state. It is kept for backward compatibility and historical reasons.


If you only need the previous successful data and you will be setting ti to a success state, use useData and not useState.

The implication on the difference between setState and setData are:

  • You need to check on the state status in setState
  • You need to take the data property.
let source = createSource("count", null, { initialValue: 0 }):

source.setState(prevState => ( ?? 0) + 1});


setData will change the state to a success state with the desired value.

updater: T | ((prevData: T | null) => T);
): void;

When you provide a function updater to setData, it is given the latest succeeded data, the initial data if status is initial and this value is provided, or else it is given null.

let source = createSource("count", null, { initialValue: 0 }):

source.setData(prev => prev! + 1);


The library implements an optimistic lock internally via a value that is auto-incremented each time the state changes.

getVersion(): number;


Allows you to run the producer with the given args.

It returns a function that will abort the related run.

run(...args: TArgs): AbortFn;


props: {
args?: TArgs,
onSuccess?(successState: SuccessState<TData, TArgs>): void;
onError?(errorState: ErrorState<TData, TArgs, TError>): void;
): AbortFn;

Will run the producer with the given args and executed the given callbacks.

It returns a function that will abort the related run.


runp(...args: A): Promise<State<TData, TArgs, TError>>;

Similar to run, but returns a Promise to resolve.

This promise resolves even if the producer throws, and gives you a state with error status in this case.


replay(): AbortFn;

Will run again using the latest args and payload.


abort(reason?: any): void;

Will call any registered abort callbacks from the latest run.

If a run is pending, it will be aborted and the previous state is restored.


replaceProducer(newProducer: Producer<T, A, E> | null): void;

Allows you to replace the producer of a state.


getConfig(): ProducerConfig<T, A, E>;

Returns the current config held by the state instance.


patchConfig(partialConfig?: Partial<ProducerConfig<T, A, E>>): void;

Allows you to partially add config to the defined state.


The payload is a mutable area inside the state that's accessible anytime, anywhere and by all subscribers.

getPayload(): Record<string, unknown>;

Returns the payload object. If not defined, it will be initialized by an empty object then returned.


mergePayload(partialPayload?: Record<string, unknown>): void;

Adds the given payload to the existing payload inside the instance.


subscribe(cb: (s: State<T, A, E>) => void): UnsubscribeFn;

Allows you to subscribe to state updates in this state.


If you are using hooks, you won't need this.


invalidateCache(cacheKey?: string): void;

Will invalidate an entry from the cache by its key.

It the cache key is omitted, the whole cache is removed.


replaceCache(cacheKey: string, cache: CachedState<T, A, E>): void;

type CachedState<T, A extends unknown[], E> = {
state: State<T, A, E>;
addedAt: number;
deadline: number;
// when auto refresh is enabled, we store its timeoutid in this
id?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;

Replaces a single cache entry.


eventType: InstanceChangeEvent,
eventHandler: InstanceChangeEventHandlerType<T, A, E>
): () => void;
eventType: InstanceDisposeEvent,
eventHandler: InstanceDisposeEventHandlerType<T, A, E>
): () => void;
eventType: InstanceCacheChangeEvent,
eventHandler: InstanceCacheChangeEventHandlerType<T, A, E>
): () => void;

Allows you to register events for this state instance.

The supported events are:

  • change: When the state value changes, you receive the new state.
  • cache-change: When a cache entry changes, you receive the whole cache.
  • dispose: When disposing the instance occurs.


dispose(): boolean;


lanes are Source objects attached to the same state instance. They share the same cache.

getLane(laneKey?: string): Source<T, A, E>;

If the request lane doesn't exist, it is created and returned.


The lane source's key should be considered as unique too, because it will be attached to the same context and uses the same config.

If an state with the same lane key already exists, it is returned.


hasLane(laneKey: string): boolean;

Returns true if the source has a lane with that key.


removeLane(laneKey?: string): boolean;

Will detach the lane from its parent.


getAllLanes(): Source<T, A, E>[];

Will return all the lanes attached to the source.